Saturday, August 29, 2009

War against the Machines

I received a laptop free of charge from FAMU (one of the few truly good things from that place) and my ex-husband damaged it. It kept creeping along for years as did my antique PC from my father's job. Unfortunately last year the laptop finally became un-riggable and the desktop became INCREDIBLY slow causing daily frustration. (Note: The events below were related during a time that I should have been hard at work at my previous 8 to 5 snoozefest job. Also, I should be working now but as previously stated I have an attention problem, lol. Anyways, names have been changed and details edited for time and impact.)

Thus the War against the Machines begun...

Scene: "General M.E." details the history and a recent battle to a loyal supporter via instant message.

General M.E.: I've won the battle...the war continues

General M.E.: Round 4 vs the Compaq and IBM

K: But I thought you won? Did it get back up and knock you out.

General M.E.: No it's me against THEM: the Compaq, Gateway, IBM & Dell

General M.E.: 1st & 2nd engagements: vs. IBM; IBM won

K: Oooooooh you have more than one opponent lol

General M.E: Duh of course! Or it wouldn't be vs the "machines"

General M.E: Was there 1 machine in Matrix?

General M.E: Or Terminator Salvation?

K: Hahaha I thought u only had 2 computers and that computer wasn't working so I thought you were just gonna do the laptop :p

General M.E: I'm glad people are acknowledging & supporting my side of the battle. It began with the Compaq's defiance displayed thru a work slow down

General M.E: The Gateway joined in by refusing to connect to the designated power supply sources thus holding info hostage and declaring all out war

General M.E: Backup was called in to curb the Gateway's revolt; the hostages were freed! (or so we thought.)

General M.E: IBM & Dell were recruited as replacements but were slow about reporting 4 duty.

General M.E: IBM arrived 1st and proved obstinate about reintroducing the hostages.

General M.E: After two arduous battles, it's memory was erased to thwart an escalation of hostilities.

General M.E: The Dell arrived; strategies had to be formulated & evaluated to avoid another loss. After many casualties, the Dell assumed the Compaq's absconded position.

General M.E: The 4th confrontation will be manipulating the Compaq and the IBM so that my will is done in retrieving the Gateway's hostages from their mobile prison.

When human backup was called to curb the Gateway's revolt, they turned out to be a traitor actually working for the opposition by providing false intel and conducting a hostile, covert operation. The General should have sought assistance from former allies versus striving to form new alliances. However, the General was able to retrieve valuable intel which lead to a quick victory in retrieving the hostages (information, mainly my music [couldn't live without my music]) from the Gateway.
On another note, I obviously have some issue to have come up with this descriptive retelling of mundane events off the top of my head while instant messaging at work. If you have any ideas about what that issue may be, let me know...until then I'll be busy inventing new ways to torture oops I mean teach my students, LOL.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Quick updates

I have a million and 10 things on my plate right now and no desire for seconds. Yet I'm taking a second to update a blog, that no one reads, with some info about what's been going on since the last post.

The jumpstart of my professional educator classes went well. I had to miss one day due to the day job which I hate. Oh yeah, and I got sick; I had terrible headaches and nausea on and off for the past couple of weeks.

I'm closer to teaching but I feel farther away due to being passed over by a couple of middle schools. On top of the career change stress, had PC drama which will be posted here, probably next week unless I get the position I'm interviewing for tomorrow. Here's hoping that post won't make it on until September.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Life Changes and the First Week

So my focus shifts every now and again.

First week of EPI classes were wonderful.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

News Bulletin

I leave for my grandparents this weekend. Yeah!
My EOC classes start next week. Yeah!
I'm planning an event for the single sisters that hopefully will become a monthly event. Yeah!

Let's see more random headlines:
I watched a portion of CNN's Black in America 2 last night. I saw the part about this principal (of course I'd see the portion about school seeing as I hope to be teaching next school year) who is highly involved in the lives of the students at his Connecticut prep school. Seriously, this guy was waking up at around 4AM to pick some of these kids up! Talk about commitment and structure. I admire that kind of structure and part of me wants that. But then there's the other side...How to reconcile the two sides is a mystery to me. Anyone else who has a suggestion please send it my way.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Having Plenty to do...

So its been entirely too long since I last posted anything and I still haven't gotten any pictures up. But it's due to all of the work I've been doing offline. Where to begin? Between dentist appts, teaching appts, a trip to SC, my business and most importantly the KM, time to blog has been scarce. But I'm ok having plenty to do...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

For All JWs with iPhones

Heard about this great app which makes me want an iPhone for keeping tracking of your RVs and time.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Good Things...Only good things

1st let me get this random thought out the way...I so want a super awesome pic of me 2 replace my current 1. It'll be in the works.

Ok so last post was the day before my interview which was on May 7th. That day turned out to be very hectic, pretty stressful. I was almost late to the interview due to my somewhat irrational thought that the gas in my car wouldn't make it downtown & back. But wouldn't you know I made it there 1 minute before my interview was scheduled to start and the interviewers were running behind.

So I did well on my interview. I don't say this to boast but to emphasize that preparation and "practice, practice, practice" can indeed make near perfect (cause human perfection just doesn't exist yet...hopefully only a few more years until we can start growing towards it though).

Since Google keeps acting funny let's get to the point. As of May 15th it's official; I'm in the EOC Program!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Singing Makes me Happy

Two posts in 1 day! This is big!

Every once in a while I'm surprised by the high I get from singing. I came back to work of all places from delivering products to my customers in a delightful mood. On my way in to the monotonous graydom, it struck me that I was crazy stressed this morning. What happened?

Of course, my first thought was 'Oh Jah did this!' which is true. There's also the fact that I was singing the whole way back - not the playing around singing in the shower act I usually do nowadays. The REAL 'feel the air and the sound move from your lungs to the top of your head and get dizzy off the resonance' type singing I started re-training myself to do last year with the help of this great book I found. I'll post the name 1ce I get home. But now my mood's good and this merry-go-round seems fun again (for the moment).

Songs: ribbon in the sky, my angel, sweet thing

Anxious & 'Faint out of fear'

This merry-go-round has been spinning faster latley; hence the absence from posting (not that ne1's reading @ the moment). I find myself becoming overly anxious as the day of my final interview draws near.
As I see my chances of making this momentous change of direction slip away I find myself realizing that I really can't imagine doing anything else now. I actually want to teach and find myself thinking about it randomly throughout the day. I can't think of another career that will have a schedule so well suited to my plans of being an AP during the summer and going to seldom worked territory with my daughter. What other job will in 5 yrs earn me a clean slate from student loans and save me money in summer childcare costs? I keep taking it to Him but wonder if preparing a backup would be considered a lack of faith. That and the time constraints facing me to get a backup are another source of anxiety. The good thing is the interview is tomorrow so I know this part of the ride will be behind me soon.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

School Dayz

Yesterday I spent the whole day @ a middle school & I still want to be a teacher. Take that naysayers!

More info later!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Prioritizing Priorities

Mood: possibly heading down

On an important side note, many months ago I diagnosed myself as having A.D.D. Case-in-point: I'm typing this blog while I was attending to another matter (check out the timestamp & it should be apparent where I'm @ this time of day). Anyways this is important to remember for any who may begin to follow my blog and find that I jump from topic to topic a lot.

Oh yeah back to the topic...

So obviously I haven't correctly prioritized my priorities as I type this when I should be doing something else. But more importantly I have this long-term plan to 'step over into Macedonia' but I need to prioritize the smaller steps to get me there. Maybe this blog will help; accountability seems to give me focus...sometimes anyways.

Well step 1 is underway already: switch jobs.

Or is step 1 start paying off debt since I think I started that before I started the job search? Well it'll be step two since it will be finished with the help of step 1.

Hmm now should step 3 be language lessons or getting my passport?

And then there's the never-ending list of things I have to do from day-to-day outside of my goal-related activities. Me oh my oh me priorities.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Hello World

Welcome to the merry-go-round!
(I'll explain this later.)

I've had a blog before but that was centered around my business, so it's been moved; I'll post the site later if any one cares to know.

'This' world is a merry-go-round filled with ups & downs and recurring cycles. Sometimes it's fun and other times it makes you sick to your stomach. The thing is to determine how to have a good ride despite the inevitable ups & downs.

So after feeling sick on this ride for quite some time now, I finally recognized/accepted what I needed to do to enjoy the rest of the ride. I say accepted because I was given a suggestion by my friend Deniece (check out her blog!) a few years back and made excuses. No more and so I've decided to share my experiences as I try to make the rest of the ride the best of the ride until I can say "Goodbye world."