Saturday, August 29, 2009

War against the Machines

I received a laptop free of charge from FAMU (one of the few truly good things from that place) and my ex-husband damaged it. It kept creeping along for years as did my antique PC from my father's job. Unfortunately last year the laptop finally became un-riggable and the desktop became INCREDIBLY slow causing daily frustration. (Note: The events below were related during a time that I should have been hard at work at my previous 8 to 5 snoozefest job. Also, I should be working now but as previously stated I have an attention problem, lol. Anyways, names have been changed and details edited for time and impact.)

Thus the War against the Machines begun...

Scene: "General M.E." details the history and a recent battle to a loyal supporter via instant message.

General M.E.: I've won the battle...the war continues

General M.E.: Round 4 vs the Compaq and IBM

K: But I thought you won? Did it get back up and knock you out.

General M.E.: No it's me against THEM: the Compaq, Gateway, IBM & Dell

General M.E.: 1st & 2nd engagements: vs. IBM; IBM won

K: Oooooooh you have more than one opponent lol

General M.E: Duh of course! Or it wouldn't be vs the "machines"

General M.E: Was there 1 machine in Matrix?

General M.E: Or Terminator Salvation?

K: Hahaha I thought u only had 2 computers and that computer wasn't working so I thought you were just gonna do the laptop :p

General M.E: I'm glad people are acknowledging & supporting my side of the battle. It began with the Compaq's defiance displayed thru a work slow down

General M.E: The Gateway joined in by refusing to connect to the designated power supply sources thus holding info hostage and declaring all out war

General M.E: Backup was called in to curb the Gateway's revolt; the hostages were freed! (or so we thought.)

General M.E: IBM & Dell were recruited as replacements but were slow about reporting 4 duty.

General M.E: IBM arrived 1st and proved obstinate about reintroducing the hostages.

General M.E: After two arduous battles, it's memory was erased to thwart an escalation of hostilities.

General M.E: The Dell arrived; strategies had to be formulated & evaluated to avoid another loss. After many casualties, the Dell assumed the Compaq's absconded position.

General M.E: The 4th confrontation will be manipulating the Compaq and the IBM so that my will is done in retrieving the Gateway's hostages from their mobile prison.

When human backup was called to curb the Gateway's revolt, they turned out to be a traitor actually working for the opposition by providing false intel and conducting a hostile, covert operation. The General should have sought assistance from former allies versus striving to form new alliances. However, the General was able to retrieve valuable intel which lead to a quick victory in retrieving the hostages (information, mainly my music [couldn't live without my music]) from the Gateway.
On another note, I obviously have some issue to have come up with this descriptive retelling of mundane events off the top of my head while instant messaging at work. If you have any ideas about what that issue may be, let me know...until then I'll be busy inventing new ways to torture oops I mean teach my students, LOL.

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