Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Good Things...Only good things

1st let me get this random thought out the way...I so want a super awesome pic of me 2 replace my current 1. It'll be in the works.

Ok so last post was the day before my interview which was on May 7th. That day turned out to be very hectic, pretty stressful. I was almost late to the interview due to my somewhat irrational thought that the gas in my car wouldn't make it downtown & back. But wouldn't you know I made it there 1 minute before my interview was scheduled to start and the interviewers were running behind.

So I did well on my interview. I don't say this to boast but to emphasize that preparation and "practice, practice, practice" can indeed make near perfect (cause human perfection just doesn't exist yet...hopefully only a few more years until we can start growing towards it though).

Since Google keeps acting funny let's get to the point. As of May 15th it's official; I'm in the EOC Program!

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