Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Anxious & 'Faint out of fear'

This merry-go-round has been spinning faster latley; hence the absence from posting (not that ne1's reading @ the moment). I find myself becoming overly anxious as the day of my final interview draws near.
As I see my chances of making this momentous change of direction slip away I find myself realizing that I really can't imagine doing anything else now. I actually want to teach and find myself thinking about it randomly throughout the day. I can't think of another career that will have a schedule so well suited to my plans of being an AP during the summer and going to seldom worked territory with my daughter. What other job will in 5 yrs earn me a clean slate from student loans and save me money in summer childcare costs? I keep taking it to Him but wonder if preparing a backup would be considered a lack of faith. That and the time constraints facing me to get a backup are another source of anxiety. The good thing is the interview is tomorrow so I know this part of the ride will be behind me soon.

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