Wednesday, May 20, 2009

For All JWs with iPhones

Heard about this great app which makes me want an iPhone for keeping tracking of your RVs and time.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Good Things...Only good things

1st let me get this random thought out the way...I so want a super awesome pic of me 2 replace my current 1. It'll be in the works.

Ok so last post was the day before my interview which was on May 7th. That day turned out to be very hectic, pretty stressful. I was almost late to the interview due to my somewhat irrational thought that the gas in my car wouldn't make it downtown & back. But wouldn't you know I made it there 1 minute before my interview was scheduled to start and the interviewers were running behind.

So I did well on my interview. I don't say this to boast but to emphasize that preparation and "practice, practice, practice" can indeed make near perfect (cause human perfection just doesn't exist yet...hopefully only a few more years until we can start growing towards it though).

Since Google keeps acting funny let's get to the point. As of May 15th it's official; I'm in the EOC Program!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Singing Makes me Happy

Two posts in 1 day! This is big!

Every once in a while I'm surprised by the high I get from singing. I came back to work of all places from delivering products to my customers in a delightful mood. On my way in to the monotonous graydom, it struck me that I was crazy stressed this morning. What happened?

Of course, my first thought was 'Oh Jah did this!' which is true. There's also the fact that I was singing the whole way back - not the playing around singing in the shower act I usually do nowadays. The REAL 'feel the air and the sound move from your lungs to the top of your head and get dizzy off the resonance' type singing I started re-training myself to do last year with the help of this great book I found. I'll post the name 1ce I get home. But now my mood's good and this merry-go-round seems fun again (for the moment).

Songs: ribbon in the sky, my angel, sweet thing

Anxious & 'Faint out of fear'

This merry-go-round has been spinning faster latley; hence the absence from posting (not that ne1's reading @ the moment). I find myself becoming overly anxious as the day of my final interview draws near.
As I see my chances of making this momentous change of direction slip away I find myself realizing that I really can't imagine doing anything else now. I actually want to teach and find myself thinking about it randomly throughout the day. I can't think of another career that will have a schedule so well suited to my plans of being an AP during the summer and going to seldom worked territory with my daughter. What other job will in 5 yrs earn me a clean slate from student loans and save me money in summer childcare costs? I keep taking it to Him but wonder if preparing a backup would be considered a lack of faith. That and the time constraints facing me to get a backup are another source of anxiety. The good thing is the interview is tomorrow so I know this part of the ride will be behind me soon.