Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ok so I misspoke

I took a few moments and read my previous postings & decided not to procrastinate. True I still have "a million and 10 things" on my plate but this is therapeutic and seeing as I'm in therapy...why not get more on a more convenient schedule.

(Yes, I did say therapy; more on that later.)

As is obvious from the months delay to post the PC battle and my post minutes ago, I'm teaching. I was passed over by every middle school and ended up being hired at a high school on the Thursday of the week before school began. (AAGGHHH!!!!) But Jah knows best (as always :D ) and high school is the place for me and the schedule works out very well. I'm still learning the ropes and now my EPI classes, while still very helpful, can't be over soon enough so I can have my weekends back.

This weekend classes thing only added to an underlying problem that's been going on for months now and recently blew up in my face. So that setback along with some unreconciled issues from my past (which I guess I have to stop avoiding and deal with to move on with my plan from an earlier post [not guess, know]) explains the therapy...and the meds. Ok maybe TMI. But hey at least I'm not like this guy all the time anymore...

I call him the "Suicidal Orange"; he's gonna juice his brains out, lol.

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