Monday, November 21, 2011

Thank you Erica!

So yes the previous post makes it sound like I don't have any friends. At one time I did but we just don't talk much anymore; by talk I mean actually talk, hearing the sound of another human's voice not typing them via Facebook or some instant messenger service.

Well last week a friend I've known since 1996 sent me an email via Facebook offering a business opportunity. While I'm interested in the business side of it, I found that it might be helpful in changing some of my "ugly truths" if I use the program and it works. The nice part is that we actually picked up the phone and talked to one another which hadn't happened since she moved away (which is a recurring issue with the friends I make) in 2000.

This is day 2 of the program and I'm still realistic with my expectations. I may post some things here while I use the program, but when I decide to move up to the level of promoting it check out my other blog:

Please excuse the mess on that blog - I'm redesigning for next year.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Ugly Truth 2

So here's another realization that's been swirling around in my head for quite some time now, but I only just recalled the way to express this ugly truth. I say recall because it's a truth that has been accurate for quite some time. However I foolishly thought that I had escaped that role.

The role of listening to everyone else's problems, dreams, lives and being that supportive cheerleader type but having no one but God to turn to for my issues. I thought that I'd gotten away from it, but really my different jobs have only allowed me to get some monetary compensation for listening to people. Yet I'm still left alone.